First Federal Credit Union

Your Credit Report

A Few Tips About Your Credit Score

Few people understand the impact a credit score can have in an individual’s life. A high score can mean a lower rate for a loan while a low credit score can result in higher interest rates and may even mean more expensive insurance premiums. Not only is it important to understand your credit score, but it is also important to understand how to improve your credit score and reap the advantages of good credit.

First, the basics.

  • Creditors have been using credit scoring systems to determine if people are a good credit risk for some time.
  • Today, many businesses, including insurance companies, phone companies and employers use a person’s credit score to determine if a product, service or employment offer should be provided.

How You Get a "Score"

  • Credit scoring systems are complex and vary among creditors and businesses. Essentially, information collected from an individual’s credit report is put through a statistical program. The program identifies all characteristics that relate to risk and generates a number which represents a credit score.
  • The scores generally range from 300 to 850. A score of 620 or higher should mean that you are eligible for very good rates.

The higher your credit score, the less of a risk you are considered to be. So, the higher the score, the better.

Finding Out Your Score

You can obtain your credit score from any one of the three national consumer reporting companies. They are allowed to charge a reasonable fee for the score. Since your score is comprised of information from your credit report, you need to ensure that your credit report is accurate.

If your credit score is low, or you just want to make sure it stays high, follow these steps to improve or maintain your score:

  • Pay your bills on time.
  • Do not max out your credit limits.
  • Do not apply for too many new credit accounts in a short period of time.
  • Do not have too many credit card accounts.
  • Develop a credit history as early as possible to demonstrate a long record of responsibility.

If you find inaccuracies on your credit report you should:

  • Dispute the inaccurate information directly with the consumer reporting agency and maybe even with the provider of the information.
  • Tell them in writing what you believe is inaccurate and provide as much proof, including copies of documents, as you can to support your position.

The agency generally has 30 days to investigate your complaint. For more information about your credit score and credit report:



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